On June 7, 2023, a married couple in Utah was found dead inside their residence in Cache County by their 16-year-old daughter following an apparent murder-suicide.

Cache County Sheriff's Office reported that the couple was identified as 38-year-old Dustin Preece and his wife, 37-year-old Heather Preece.

Cache County Sheriff's Office mentioned that based on the evidence and as per the medical examiner, it appears that Dustin Preece shot his wife and then took his own life.

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Fox 13 reported that Cache County Sheriff's Office stated that the couple's 16-year-old daughter found her parents' deceased bodies at about 10 pm at their residence in Hyrum, Utah, and contacted authorities.

According to an initial press release on June 8, 2023, by Cache County Sheriff's Office, deputies and Hyrum first responders located Heather Preece in a bedroom and Dustin Preece in another part of the residence in Utah. Authorities declared both of them dead at the scene.

KUTV reported that officers believe Dustin shot his wife in the bedroom and then went to another part of the residence, where he killed himself. According to the report by KUTV, Cache County Sheriff Chad Jensen said:

"Weapons were recovered from the home and other evidence were found to indicate that."

The sheriff's office informed that Cache County Victims' Advocates were assigned to provide assistance to the 16-year-old and also help with family notifications.

A press release on June 9, 2023, by Cache County Sheriff's Office read:

"This is a terrible incident that happened in our peaceful community, but especially for the 16-year-old daughter who discovered the scene. Victims' advocates are working closely with her and the family to get them the services they may need."

KUTV reported that authorities did not mention a motive yet, and Cache County Sheriff Chad Jensen stated that only the 16-year-old daughter may know about or comprehend the incident.

Sheriff Chad Jensen told KUTV:

"She knows probably more than we’ll ever know what’s gone on inside that home."

KUTV also reported that Dustin Preece may have been struggling with depression.

Apparent murder-suicide in Utah left neighbors in shock

KUTV reported that the neighbors of Dustin and Heather Preece are left in shock, and they confirmed to have never witnessed any indications of significant issues at their residence.

Fox 13 reported that Dustin was a board member of Utah's Wapiti Bluff neighborhood Homeowner Association and President Breanna Mertz has known him for five years.

Breanna Mertz told Fox 13 that she last met Dustin two weeks back.

"We just had a short conversation in my driveway and everything seemed to be going well. This was definitely a shock," she said.

On June 8, 2023, the Preece family released a statement expressing gratitude for the love and support extended by the community. The statement read:

"As our family grieves the loss of our loved ones we appreciate the outpouring of love from the community. At this time we ask that you respect our privacy and most especially the privacy of their child. We will not be accepting visitors at this time."

Cache County Sheriff's Office reported that this incident does not pose any threats to the public.

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